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Written Test EJA080720CM
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Exam English AVA EJA080720CM Full Name: _________________________________________ Nº ______ 3. Escolha o correto adverbio de frequência: a) I hate vegetables. I _________ eat broccoli. ( ) never ( ) always b) We ____________________ television before going to bed. ( ) usually watch ( ) watch usually c) ...
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EXERCISES 01. AULA: EJA1TBM2B10150620 Full name: ________________________________________________. 1. Complete the following sentences to form the present progressive tense (Present Continuous). Use the correct form of the verb to be , and add -ing to the simple form of the verb i n parentheses. 1. She is dressing (to dress) the baby in the bedroom. 2. You _________________ (to cough) a lot. 3. She _________________ (to tickle) me. 4. I _________________ (to rewind) the movie. 5. The queen __________ (to wave) at the crowd. 6. He _________________ (to rub) my back. 7. The baby _________________ (to drool) again. 8. They ______________ (to sit) in the dining room. 9. Many people _____________ (to live) in poverty. 10. Robin ________ (to deliver) flyers to the houses. 2. Use am not or the contraction isn’t or aren’t to complete the following sentences in the negative present progressive form. Add -ing to the simple form of the verb i...
Activity 03
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Oral Teste Of English Language Rewrite the text below, translate it into your native language, then produce the audio of the text and send it to my private WhatsApp Text Sandra is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a famous actress. She’s also very rich. Her house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive. Her fans love her. But is she happy? Sandra says, “ yeah, I’m young, rich, beautiful, and famous. People think rich people are happy. That’s not always true! “ Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He says, “ Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining people. But she’s not happy. She doesn’t like being famous. “ “ It’s true, ” Sandra says. “ I’m never alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there. They’re outside my house all the time! That’s so annoying! “.
Activity 02
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NUMBERS 1. Write these telephone numbers in words. 1. Jane Five nine two, oh one three seven 592-0137 2. Peter ____________________________ 879-2529 3. Aunt Lydia ________________________ 626-7538 4. Harry and Kate_____________________ 267-3146 5. John _____________________________ 387-9402 6. Sylvia ____________________________ 486-0659 2. Write these numbers in figures. 1. three oh eight, five two five one 308.5251 2. five nine eight, seven eight six one _________ 3. oh three one, three six two seven _________ 4. eight four nine, three four three seven _________ 5. six oh two, four five nine two ...
Activity 01
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Activity 01 GRAMMAR The simple present of the verb to be Affirmative forms of the verb to be Subject Pronouns Full Form Contracted Form I Am 'm You are 're he/she/it Is 's We are 're You are 're They are 're Interrogative forms of the verb to be: Am I? Are you? Is he/she/it? Are we? Are you? Are they? Negative Forms of the verb to be: Subject Pronouns Full Form Contracted Form I am not 'm not You are not aren't he/she/it is not isn't We are not aren't You are not aren't They are not aren't Remember: ü I, you, he, she, it, you, they are subject pron...